Our team have come up with a great idea for the launch of our new Builder Expert Loyalty Program. We have created exciting and exclusive rewards to keep long-term relationships with our new and existing customers!
Builder Expert Loyalty Program applies to all customers who have decided to use our services on regular basis within no longer than 3 months of the last estimate.
1 project (1 element or more) equals 1 estimate. The customers are entitled to the following discounts:
- 5% discount applicable when the customer has reached their 4th estimate and 10% discount for the 7th or more,
- the one-off 10% discount applies if customers write and post online reviews on Google, https://goo.gl/NwThQj,
- 20% off for every single successful referral (the new customer you refer must use our services).
* valid from 10.12.2018
We say thank you for choosing our services!